Saturday, February 12, 2011

Smackdown: Android Market vs. iPhone App Store

Article Date : 5th Feb 2011
Opinion Piece
Key Ideas:
 We decided to choose this article as our first Blog entry because of the comparison between the apple app. stores & android app store. Both companies are very popular in the telecommunication market. It is interesting to see how they are similar and different to each other and what are the advantages & disadvantages of each system. This article helps  you make the right decision if you are planning to buy a new phone. It talks about how the navigation is easier in apple stores but android app store have a refund policy which apple app store doesn’t offer. It compares the prices of applications available and how there is a huge difference between them in both stores. It also talks about the difference in reviews & ratings available to users and tells you that apple app store is better on the whole as it’s more user friendly.

This is an opinion based article. The author is briefly talking about the Con’s & Pro’s of each application store and prefers apple over android phones. The article talks about various function available in the Application stores of both companies and compares them to each other in a slideshow.  It talks about the number of applications available in each app store and their price differences and the benefits of the apps. It talks about how some features are very similar yet some are really different. According to this article Apple is the better option as it is more user friendly,  offers more applications and better prices.  The writer is recommending choosing apple over android so if consumers take their decision based on this can reduce the business of android phones and possibly increasing the sales of apple iphones.   I think   it is very good that the author decided to compare the different features available in each of the system because the people who don’t know much about smart phones can make a better decision now depending on their priorities and expectations. They exactly know what the system offers, what program, what kind of applications, and what is the refund policy. They know which company offers more safety & security. The author also decided to keep the language simple so more people can take advantage of the article.  The author clearly gives you the reasons why one should choose apple over android putting android down and in fact praising their efforts that how in such a short span they have made their place in the market too and if they work a little more on the look and user friendly system they will be able to give apple a neck to neck competition.


  1. Thank you Faryal Ahmed, Muhammad Azam and Shabnam Eftekhar Banihashemi actually I was planning to buy an iphone but didn’t have time to make a research but your blog gave me a bundle of information upon which I have a descent idea about the iphone’s advantages and disadvantages. It helped me to decide what to do. After reading it I learn about the navigation properties of iphone help user to navigate by pressing just one tab on the bottom of the screen where as in android one have to press back tab again and again. The discovery option of App store for "movie lovers", "iphone games", "App store essential" and genius tab of "whats hot item" is pretty impressive. The results for the research section does not seems to provide relevant results instead it ends up showing irrelevant results in android phone. The refund policy in android is definitely an advantage to the user and this article also showed that android market is quiet less expensive than the iphone. According to my prospective the refund policy and inexpensive market cannot overwrite the services and quality of iphone. Based on the information in this article I will definitely purchase an iphone.

  2. Thank you Faryal Ahmed, Muhammad Azam and Shabnam Eftekhar Banihashemi actually I was planning to buy an iphone but didn’t have time to make a research but your blog gave me a bundle of information upon which I have a descent idea about the iphone’s advantages and disadvantages. It helped me to decide what to do. After reading it I learn about the navigation properties of iphone help user to navigate by pressing just one tab on the bottom of the screen where as in android one have to press back tab again and again. The discovery option of App store for "movie lovers", "iphone games", "App store essential" and genius tab of "whats hot item" is pretty impressive. The results for the research section does not seems to provide relevant results instead it ends up showing irrelevant results in android phone. The refund policy in android is definitely an advantage to the user and this article also showed that android market is quiet less expensive than the iphone. According to my prospective the refund policy and inexpensive market cannot overwrite the services and quality of iphone. Based on the information in this article I will definitely purchase an iphone.
    By Puneet B.

  3. Thank you Faryal Ahmed, Muhammad Azam and Shabnam Eftekhar Banihashem the article informed of key advantages and disadvantages of both systems. I would now be more inclined to by the iphone because although apple may have security implications the Android and the Android Marketplace has suffered multiple malware outbreaks implications which makes me believe that it is less secure. I like that the App store accessibility compared to the Android Store's which contents is not completely accessible from anywhere but the phone. Searching iPhone App Store seems to much more effective then on the Android because of the iPhone auto-suggest feature and it ability to get generic searches right. Although Android has some descent advantages such as the Android Market is less expensive than the iPhone and its downloading capabilities. Ultimately I would prefer to get the iphone because of it accessibility, availability updates, free apps and essentially it good quality.

    By Shuzanna Parchment Bennett
